Video Highlight: Michael McKenry Talks Tyent

Posted by: On August 1, 2012 2:14 pm

If you’ve visited our YouTube channel lately, you know that Pittsburgh Pirate catcher Michael McKenry has made an appearance! Michael (also known as “The Fort” or “Fort McKenry”) is a long-time Tyent fan, and he’s shared a few of his favorite things about drinking Tyent alkaline ionized water in the video.

Michael says, “After doing a lot of research, when it comes to alkaline water, Tyent USA is the brand.”

He continues, “It’s just been wonderful to be able to be ahead of the game just a little bit, compared to other guys that are just drinking regular bottled water.”

Curious about if alkaline water is better for you than regular water? Michael’s opinion: “After drinking alkaline water, I now …

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