Questions About Ionized Water Answered at The Tyent Water Ionizer Company (Updated)

It’s another day in the Mail Room here at Tyent and new questions about water ionizers are waiting to be answered.

Our mail bag is overflowing with questions about water ionizers!
Our mail bag is overflowing with questions about water ionizers!

First question up is one I haven’t heard yet.

Does Ionized Alkaline Water Cause Dehydration?

To begin with, the answer is an emphatic no, ionized alkaline water from a water ionizer does not cause dehydration; quite the opposite in fact.  Ionized alkaline water actually hydrates the body more effectively than any other water.

Here are 5 facts about Ionized Alkaline Water from a Tyent Water Ionizer 

  1. Ionized alkaline water is hydrogen-rich
  1. Ultra-hydrating
  1.  Proven to promote faster recovery time from physical exertion
  1. Flushes toxins and fat cells from the body
  1. Contains minerals and antioxidants

The next question up is from someone wanting to know about water from a water ionizer and blood pressure.

Can Ionized Alkaline Water Lower Your Blood Pressure?

Franci-CrownobleMeet Franci Crownoble.  Franci is a more-than-happy Tyent customer and has no issue whatsoever in touting the outstanding results she has realized since drinking water from a Tyent Water Ionizer.

“Tyent ionized alkaline water has been very beneficial to my health!  It keeps my blood pressure down & I no longer have arthritis in my knees!”

It is hard to argue with someone who has first hand experience coupled with positive results! 

The Tyent Alkaline Water Company is an industry leader with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and the only water company whose machines were given the Editors Choice Award for Best Ionizer 8 times since 2008.  That is a distinction we are very proud to claim.

There are many reasons to drink clean, refreshing, water from a Tyent water ionizer.  Tyent Water is superior to other water on so many levels that I have to write about it every day. 

So if you’d like to see improvements to your health like better hydration, more energy and clearer skin, think about investing in water ionizer from Tyent. Call us at  to have a chat about which water ionizer is best for you!

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